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Izrael : Palestina že n-tič

Izrael : Palestina že n-tič

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boolsheat ::

Jaz ne podpiram Rusije... :))

Kar pa ne pomeni, da ne smem biti kritičen do ZDA/EU... Predvsem ZDA v odnosu do Ukrajine in ZDA pri branjenju Izraela - ampak OK, tam imajo tak sistem, da Izraelci lahko legalno podkupujejo senatorje in je zato vse skupaj izkrivljeno.

Lily Greenberg Call, special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department, cited her Jewish upbringing and ties to Israel in her resignation letter. She wrote that her family escaped antisemitic persecution in Europe and came to the United States, noting that they changed their names at Ellis Island and that her grandparents could not go to college.

I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza,” Greenberg Call wrote. Israel strongly denies that its actions in Gaza amount to genocide.


IgorCardanof ::

Pričakujem FDVjevce da bodo stali za svojimi načeli in bodo vsi demonstrirali v Kopru. :)

Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

nejc_nejc ::

Kakšno drzavljanstvo imajo ljudje v Gazi?

kunigunda ::

nejc_nejc je izjavil:

Kakšno drzavljanstvo imajo ljudje v Gazi?

Palestinsko. Tko kot zidje pred 48.
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